About Anaerobic Adhesives

1. Characteristics of anaerobic adhesives

What is “ANAEROBIC” of anaerobic adhesives ?

Generally “anaerobic” may sound unfamiliar, but this literally means “without air”, in other words, anaerobic adhesives? Removal of air (oxygen) is required for adhesives to cure.

Along with “Removal of air”, there is another requirement for the anaerobic adhesives to cure. That is Contact with a metal. In other words, the adhesives do not cure without metal.

Other characteristics (advantages)

Anaerobic adhesives have the following advantages:

One-part nonsolvent

・ Does not require blending, and is easy to handle.
・ Non-solvent, environmentally-friendly type

Fast curing

・ Quickly cures at a room temperature.


Next, let’s see the process where an anaerobic adhesive cures.

2. Curing method of anaerobic adhesives

Composition of an anaerobic adhesive

An anaerobic adhesive contains a component called a “monomer”, which occupies about 95% and a bonding catalyst for metal that occupies about 5% and a few other components.

The component that starts bonding to a metal is called a “Reaction initiator.”

While it contacts air, The reaction does not take place yet.


However, if air is removed

“Reaction initiator” acts as a trigger and the curing starts.


3. Applications of anaerobic adhesives

Curing property is different depending on the kind of metals.

I have already explained that anaerobic adhesives best suit the adhesion of two metals, but the curing speed and strength depends on the kind of metal. See the chart below.

Relationship between adhesive strength and clearance

In fitting, the size of clearance (gap) greatly affects the adhesive strength.
See the chart below.

Applications best suited to Anaerobic Adhesives

Anaerobic adhesives are used for metals, however, considering their characteristics I explained above, they best suit the following two uses:

Caution when using Anaerobic Adhesives on plastics

Anaerobic adhesives are generally used for metals, however some of them can be used on plastics.
Sufficient care must be taken as corrosion may occur, depending on the material.


Anaerobic adhesives are used for bonding/sealing metals and can quickly cure at room temperature.  ThreeBond will always make efforts to offer products that would best suit your design requirements.

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