About Elastic Adhesives

1. Characteristics of elastic adhesives

What is elastic adhesive?

Hard and friable

For instance, the glass corresponds to this type.

Soft and weak

For instance, the rubber corresponds to this type.

Soft and viscous

Cured object of elastic adhesive corresponds to this type.

Hard and viscous

Cured object of structural adhesive corresponds to this type.

Types of elastic adhesives

ThreeBond’s elastic adhesives are largely categorized as follows based on their major component:

1.Silicone (1220 Series)
2.Denatured silicone (1530 Series)
3.Blend of denatured silicone and epoxy (3950 Series)

Next, let’s compare silicone and denatured silicone above-mentioned.

2. Curing method of elastic adhesives

Moisture curing property of elastic adhesives

Elastic adhesives react with moisture in the air to cure. The curing property is graphed as shown below for ThreeBond 1530 as a sample:

Cures by reacting with moisture in the air

Curing property of elastic adhesives in a deep position

Curing property of elastic adhesives

The following is the typical curing physical properties of ThreeBond’s elastic adhesives:

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3. Applications of elastic adhesives

Application examples in a wide range of fields

  • Fixing and bonding automobile parts
  • Bonding and sealing electric, electronic and medical equipment
  • Bonding/sealing a variety of household articles
  • Bonding metals, plastics, and rubbers

Elastic adhesives are versatile adhesives that offer excellent adhesive strength to a wide variety of materials.


Once cured, elastic adhesives form a strong, flexible, rubber-like elastic body.
You can use them in a wide variety of fields as high-function, all-round adhesives that offer excellent resistance to vibration and shock, and stress relaxation.

We, ThreeBond are always making efforts to offer products that will best suit your design requirements.

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